Elena Sannikova
- Head: HSE Campus in Perm / Project Support Unit
- Lecturer: HSE Campus in Perm / Faculty of Computer Science, Economics, and Social Sciences / School of Management
- Elena Sannikova has been at HSE University since 2022.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
8 (342) 200-95-55
6128 - Address: Perm, 37 Gagarina Bulvar, room 213
- Supervisor
- E. P. Zagorodnova
- Deputy
- Сигитова Я. Д.
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HSE University
HSE University
Awards and Accomplishments
Courses (2024/2025)
- Mentor's seminar "Project Management" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 2 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Mentor's seminar "Project Management" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Economics, Management; 2 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Economics, Management; 2 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Economics, Management; 2 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Seminar "Project Management" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- History of Economic Doctrines (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study History; 5 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Mentor's seminar "Project Management" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 2 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Mentor's seminar "Project Management" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Management; 3 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Portfolio Management (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Management; 2 module)Rus
- Project Portfolio Management (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Management; 1 module)Rus
- Project Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Seminar (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Business Informatics; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
- Project Seminar (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Management; 3 module)Rus
- Project Seminar (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Management; 4 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Management Strategies: Strategic Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 1 year, 1 module)Rus
- Management Strategies: Strategic Management (Mago-Lego; 1 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management (Nizhny Novgorod) field of study Management; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management (Nizhny Novgorod) field of study Management; 3 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Management; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Rus
- Project Seminar (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Business Informatics; 3 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Strategic Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management field of study Business Informatics; 3 year, 4 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Project Management in the Public Sector (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Public Administration; 1 year, 2 module)Rus
- Strategies in Management: Contemporary Problems of Project Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Management; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- 2025
I Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция "Обучение служением: управление социальными проектами в образовательной среде при реализации общественно значимых задач в регионе" (Орел ). Presentation: Партнерство для будущего: управление проектами вузов и власти в Пермском крае через "Обучение служением"
‘Rediscovering Russia’: HSE Students Create a Development Strategy for the Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov Estate
In mid-July 2024, 18 students from various HSE campuses (Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Saint Petersburg, and Moscow) participated in an expedition to Nizhny Novgorod Oblast to develop elements of a promotional strategy for the Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov estate. This project was conceived as part of the School of Snow 3.0 inter-campus expedition and was the winner of the ‘Rediscovering Russia’ competition. We’d like to share the results of the expedition as well as the impressions of the participants.