Major Computer Science Festival to Take Place at HSE University
In April, HSE University will host Days of Computer Science (DCS), an annual event organised by the Faculty of Computer Science and its partners. The programme includes popular science lectures and discussions, a student festival, a maths blitz competition, quizzes, film screenings, and much more.
'The Days of Computer Science are primarily about popularising science and sharing knowledge and experience. It is another opportunity to introduce a wide audience to IT, mathematics, data analysis, and software development,' said Ivan Arzhantsev, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science. 'It is also about showcasing what our faculty truly represents—it is diverse and multifaceted, and the festival perfectly reflects this variety through its programme of events. We share what we live by.'
Ivan Arzhantsev
'The Faculty of Computer Science has been holding the Days of Computer Science since the spring of 2015. The duration has typically ranged from one to two weeks, but for the second time now, the festival will run for nearly the entire month of April. Our faculty is growing, we are covering more and more scientific fields, and there is increasingly more that we can and want to share with a wider audience. Come along—it will be interesting!'
Alumni Forum
On April 4, the Alumni Forum will take place. It will open with a discussion in which participants will talk about the changes that have occurred at the Faculty of Computer Science since their graduation, as well as opportunities for alumni participation in faculty life. After the discussion, attendees will take part in engaging team activities.
Applicant’s Day
On April 6, the faculty will hold an Applicant’s Day, where school students, parents, and current students can learn about this year’s admission rules, hear detailed presentations about undergraduate and master’s programmes, and meet their academic supervisors.
Mathematics Lectures
On April 9, the first lecture in the series 'What They Didn’t Teach You at School,' organised by Yandex and the Faculty of Computer Science, will take place at the Yandex Museum. Aimed at high school students and anyone interested in IT, the lecture will focus on mathematics, covering fascinating phenomena, intriguing facts, and unconventional problems in the field.
Activity Fair
On April 11, the faculty, together with the student organisation CSTATI, will hold CSFEST—a large activity fair featuring everything from a light saber battle workshop and TV game shows to a film marathon and a talent show.
Pavel Azarov
‘Applicant Day is an important event that showcases our faculty’s potential and attracts promising students,’ emphasised Pavel Azarov, Head of the Applicants, Students and Alumni Unit at the Faculty of Computer Science. ‘It is a great opportunity for the faculty to present itself from different angles to prospective students and their parents. At the same time, applicants get a chance to experience faculty life, interact with students and alumni, ask questions, and make an informed decision about their future education.’
‘In addition to traditional programme presentations and the educational fair, we will hold an improvised press conference with academic supervisors, where attendees can ask questions about the programmes. This year, we have also decided to focus more on projects and events designed for school students at HSE.’

‘At another key event—CSFEST—participants will have the chance to meet students from all years and specialisations, broaden their horizons, engage with faculty members in an informal setting, and discover new aspects of our faculty—perhaps even unexpected ones. This is a large-scale event with a unique programme that will allow attendees to see their familiar place of study in a new light and truly immerse themselves in its unique atmosphere.’
IT Girls’ Party
On April 12, the IT Girls’ Party will take place, providing an opportunity for women interested in science and technology to connect in an informal setting, share experiences, and attend lectures from experts at leading IT companies. The event will also explore how the industry addresses gender stereotypes.
AI Discussions
On April 19, the GES-2 House of Culture will host a discussion on the creativity of artificial intelligence. Experts will debate whether AI-generated works can be considered original creations or mere imitations, with each speaker defending their perspective.
FCS Documentary
On April 20, visitors will have the opportunity to watch a documentary about the HSE Faculty of Computer Science on the big screen at the Atom Museum at VDNKH. Before the screening, there will also be a discussion on physics with the film’s key figures. The documentary explores the history and development of the faculty—one of the country’s leading IT educational departments—and its contributions to science, technology, and education.
Popular Science Lectures
On April 24, the Faculty of Computer Science will host a popular science lecture event at the Rovesnik bar. In a relaxed setting, faculty experts will give short talks on various scientific topics, presenting them in an accessible way for all audiences.
You can find more events and the full festival programme here in Russian, and all announcements and updates will be shared on the Days of Computer Science Telegram channel.
All events of the Days of Computer Science are free, but registration is required.