22 Years of HSE: A Retrospective
As we celebrate this year’s anniversary of HSE, we will not recall everything that has happened with the university since it was founded; its milestones have been recounted numerous times already. We will instead tell you about the most important things that have happened this year.

HSE – 22 Years
The Higher School of Economics will be 22 on November 27. Evgeny Yasin and Alexander Shokhin would like to congratulate the university on this.

HSE. Cornerstone: 40 Myasnitskaya
The lives of postal workers in the 19th century were hard, as were their duties. They didn’t get paid enough to live, and they didn’t get any weekends or holidays, or even lunch breaks. Why is this relevant to HSE? Because this building used to belong to the postal service.

Shadow Theatre, Designer Cake, and other Reasons to Come to the HSE's Art Night
On November 3, Moscow will play host to Art Night. Visitors will be welcomed to theatres, museums, libraries, and higher education institutions. The HSE is also offering its own programme of entertainment — the Art of Dreaming. Here are several reasons why you should make sure you visit the HSE's Art Night.

HSE Becomes Night of the Arts Platform on Night of November 3-4
During Night of the Arts, guests of HSE’s festival took a stroll on Myasnitskaya Street, which was closed to automobiles specially for the event. Myasnitskaya became the location of a large stage for performances by student groups of the university. More than 50 HSE students and friends sang, danced, and read poems for guests of the celebration, and another 50 worked at the event as volunteers.Instructors from the Faculty of Design had a special exposition called ‘The Latest Teacher’s Exhibition.’ HSE students organized workshops in a hall of the university for sand painting, gift box making, and henna painting. Over 3,000 people visited the event. You can find out more about Night of the Arts at the Higher School of Economics in our photo spread.

HSE. Cornerstone: Milyutinsky Pereulok, 13, Building 1
The guesthouse with shops on the corner of Sretensky Pereulok and Milyutinsky Pereulok was built in 1900 by the architect Vladimir Sherwood. In Soviet times, the building housed a medical clinic for the district, which was soon replaced by an Intourist office. This organization had a large fleet of tourist buses, its own staff of guides and interpreters, and a chain of hotels. During the Moscow Olympics in 1980, Intourist was the main organization servicing foreign visitors. Intourist in fact received millions of visitors during the Soviet era.
people have already been nominated for the Golden HSE. Those wishing to nominate a candidate still have until October 31 to do so.

HSE.Cornerstone: Izmailovo Complex
For several hundred years Izmailovo Manor belonged to the imperial court. Russian tsars and their attendants hunted in the surrounding groves, and the area received the official status of the Moscow region after the revolution. Eventually factories and workers' settlements would be erected in place of the area’s trees and swamps. One of these factories was not like the others; it produced not machines or equipment, but answers to a number of questions.
Weltformat Lecture Marathon
On October 15, well-known contemporary Swiss poster artists will give lectures in HSE’s Faculty of Design building. The lecture marathon will take place as part of the Weltformat Swiss posters exhibition, which is being organized with HSE’s Faculty of Design.
Developing Legal Education in Russia
Antonios Platsas, a specialist in Comparative Legal Studies, European Law and International Law, is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law. He has been at the Higher School of Economics since 2014. Recently, he sat down with the HSE news service to speak about his teaching and research, as well as his impressions on living and working in Moscow.