Global Relations
On October 19th a meeting of the HSE International College of Economics and Finance with the British Ambassador in Russia, Anne Pringle, took place at the HSE. The Ambassador gave a lecture on ‘The Global Economy and An Overview of British-Russian Relations ’.
How to Measure a Civil Society
The HSE has joined the World Alliance for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS), an influential independent organization which studies civil society. Irina Mersiyanova, Director of the HSE Centre for Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector Research (GRANS Centre), told us some more about this event.
Democracy Only Works Where it is Seriously Implemented
Recently the 21st International Political Science Association (IPSA) Congress took place in Santiago. Nina Belyaeva, Head of the HSE Department of Political Analysis and Public Policy, told us how scientific areas are being restructured, democracy is viewed, and a new paradigm of the political science is being formed.
Urban Footpaths Find Support
HSE graduate Fyodor Novikov suggests an innovative way of urban planning .
HSE Supports International Negotiations
The Higher School of Economics has been assisting with recent negotiations on Russia’s accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Capitalism is Popular with Students in Moscow
Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad published an article on the HSE .
'The harder you work, the luckier you get'
Diana Ogarkova, a graduate of the Faculty of Economy and World Politics, told us about some fortunate accidents in her employment, the significance of her diploma marks in finding employment, and the importance of keeping your eyes open.
US-Russia Cooperation Road Map
John Beyrle, the US Ambassador to the Russian Federation, lectured on the US-Russia bilateral relations at the HSE. Answering some queries he sketched common ground for US-Russia cooperation strengthening. In his speech the US Ambassador focused on the "Four I`s" doctrine that is promoted by the Russian President D. Medvedev.
Building educational market space
On April 21, the session of the Russian Public Council for Education Development was held at the Lomonosov State University. The "Anti-monopoly policy in Education through the Federal Anti-monopoly Service of Russia (the FAS) vision" was under discussion.
The HSE World Champion
Maxim Hivintsev, the student at the Higher School of Economics, is among winners of the Global Management Challenge Competition in Lisbon.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025