Moving in Circles or Breaking Out: New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY
From September 18 to November 19, the HSE ART GALLERY is hosting a new exhibition from the HSE Art and Design School: ‘Going Over Old Ground?’ Its curator is Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, artist and head of the Screen Arts and Video Art tracks at the HSE Art and Design School. Guests will see experimental cinema, video art, and animation created by students and graduates of the school.

Garuda Festival at HSE University: Getting to Know Indonesian Culture
For the first time, HSE University has hosted the Garuda festival, where Indonesian students in Moscow could talk about their culture. The embassy of Indonesia helped organise the festival.

HSE Urban Fest Gathers Urban Development Researchers
On September 12th, Urban Fest was held at HSE University. Students, staff and guests of the HSE University learned what revitalization means in the context of urbanism and why every conscious citizen should delve into this process. The participants immersed themselves in the study of the urban environment, listened to lectures from experts and visited a fair of HSE student organisations.

Faculty of Economic Sciences Holds Math BootCamps for Those Starting Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
More than 200 future bachelor’s and master’s students from around the world spent the last two weeks of summer improving their mathematical knowledge and honing their problem-solving skills. The free online classes have been held for the fourth year in a row. They allow first-year students not only to succeed in their studies, research, and project activities at HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Sciences (FES), but also to quickly integrate into the international community of students, graduates, and teachers.

‘Interest in the Application of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Is Growing by the Year’
On August 28–30, HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science held the 4th Summer School on Machine Learning in Bioinformatics. This year, 670 people registered for the event, and over 300 visited in person. The programme included lectures and seminars on various spheres of bioinformatics: applied bioinformatics and the bioinformatics of DNA, RNA, and proteins; elementary genomics; modern methods of data analysis and molecular biology. The lectures were complemented by practical tasks aimed at different levels of knowledge.

Service Learning Programme Launched at Russia’s Universities
On September 5th, which is the International Day of Charity, the Service Learning programme was launched at many of the country’s universities. HSE University hosted a meeting with deputy deans and faculty project managers, followed by a large NGO fair, where both students and HSE University staff got to know more about partner NGOs and planned further joint projects.

‘Neural Networks Are Something that Move the World Forward’
On September 4, the HSE University building on Pokrovsky Bulvar hosted ARTificial Fest, an event devoted to neural network art. The festival was organised by the HSE University Faculty of Creative Industries, the HSE Career centre, and the Chisty List (‘Blank Page’) student organisation. The event was open not only to students and staff of HSE University, but also to anyone interested in the blending of machine algorithms and art.

Faculty of Computer Science Members Win Prizes in ICPC Challenge Championship
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Challenge took place at the end of August. Unlike the traditional ICPC format, in which teams of three students solve a set of algorithmic tasks, participants of the ICPC Challenge must individually solve an optimisation problem that is relevant to science-driven industry, but which does not have an exact algorithmic solution. In the end, prize places were taken by Mikhail Gustokashin, Director of the Centre of Student Competitions at the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), and Dmitry Rempel, student of the faculty.
Student Research Paper Competition 2023 Begins
On September 1st, a new season of the open Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) started. This competition is aimed at developing the potential of university students who are interested in academic activities. Students, as well as 2023 graduates of Russian and foreign universities, can submit their papers for the competition until October 15th, 2023. This year SRPC turns 20 years old, throughout the competition’s history, Vadim Radaev, HSE University’s First Vice Rector, has been the chair of the organising committee. In today’s interview, he talks about the history of the competition and the key stages in its development.

‘I Came to HSE University not Only for Knowledge, but Also for Experience’
Every year, winners of school olympiads make up a significant cohort of the first-year undergraduate students. Such young people are distinguished not only by their deep subject knowledge, but also by a broad outlook, and a strong desire to be part of university life in all its diversity. HSE News Service asked prospective first-year students who received 100 points on the Unified State Exam and the winners of various olympiads what helped them to get enrolled and why they chose HSE University.