HSE Students Want to Install a Personalized Bench and Organize a Charity Fair on Myasnitskaya
On September 2nd, 2015, Myasnitskaya street, which hosts several HSE buildings, was officially opened after reconstruction. Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin inspected the renewed street and talked to HSE students.
HSE and Dynamo to Support Student Sports Initiatives
The Higher School of Economics and the Russian hockey team Dynamo Moscow have agreed to combine forces to help students lead a healthy lifestyle and develop student sports initiatives.
first-year undergraduates will begin their studies at all HSE campuses today. This is 1,115 more people than last year.
Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval
The Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2015) is taking place from August 24 th – 28 th , 2015, in the new university building on Kantemirovskaya. This year the school has been organized by the HSE Internet Studies Lab and the Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar (ROMIP).

HSE for Beginners — A Step-by-Step Guide to Settling In
This year HSE is welcoming around 200 international students who will be enrolled in full-degree programmes. To help you feel an integral part of the HSE family, get settled upon arrival and complete the enrollment, we have put together a step-by-step guide.
lectures by HSE teachers were illustrated in the 2016 calendar by Ekaterina Gushina of the Design programme.
An Excursion to the Sky
In July, students from the HSE Extreme Sports Club planted the university’s flag at the top of Mount Elbrus, one of the world’s highest peaks. Garry Rutberg, one of the club’s leaders, and Alexandra Oleinikova, an HSE alumna and the club’s guide, tell us about the complicated nature of the mountain, ways of fighting hypoxia, and what it’s like to walk amongst the clouds.
HSE Students at the International Mathematics Competition
The Prestigious International Mathematics Competition for University Students took place in Bulgaria this year between 27 July and 2nd August. Competitors were given 10 problems to solve for a maximum of 10 points. HSE’s Faculty of Computer Science was represented by Vadim Kalashnikov and Gleb Posobin who are about to embark on the second year of their degree course. According to overall international ratings for students in any subject they were awarded first and third prizes respectively.
HSE Perm Student Named Best MA student at the University of Essex
Yury Gritsyuk, an MA student on the joint Business Strategies in a Global Environment programme run by HSE Perm and the University of Essex (UK) was awarded the prize as the best student on the Essex Business School programme (Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, World Economy groups).
Culture of Historical Memory: World War II and Political Regimes of the 20th Century
A group of 14 undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Department of History at HSE St. Petersburg took part in a joint research and educational seminar with Humboldt University in Berlin and Bielefeld. The seminar, which was devoted to the culture of historical memory of World War II and Political Regimes of the 20th century, was led by Alexander Semyonov, Head of the Department of History, Dietmar Wulff, Associate Professor at the Department and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Kerstin Bischl of the Humboldt University Chair for the History of Eastern Europe. The trip was made possible thanks to a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service.